
Team Projects

Page history last edited by sarahztennis@... 11 years, 2 months ago
(and project page)

Team Members      (Team Pictures)

Project Presentation (Classes 18-19) Project Idea Presentation

(Classes 9-10)

Team 1

Team 1

Sensory Awareness
Brendan McElroy, Kiersten Meehan, Luke Sparks, Sarah Zook

Class 18

(Dec. 4)

Class 9 (Oct. 28)

Team 2

Team 2
Team 2

Big Brot(her)s
Max Hillman, Weslina Hung, Rosalie Imler, Priscilla Leung, Spencer Phillips

Class 18

(Dec. 4)
Class 9 (Oct. 28)

Team 3

Literary Re-do  Julian Bustos, Felicia Scott, Sarah Yim

Class 18

(Dec. 4)
Class 9 (Oct. 28)

Team 4

Team 4

Letters From Felix: A Virtual World Tour Brianna Barriga-Sardinas, Michelle Brodney, Kelley Oorloff, Tiffany Park, Asha Thompson, Nathalie Vera, Andrea Liedloff

Class 17

(Dec. 2)

Class 10 (Oct. 30)

Team 5

Team 5

Into the Zone: A Study of Adaptations
Chloe Babauta, Ian Davis, Meghan Dion, Phil Horlacher, Parker Lanting, Sean Mabry, Morgan Schuler

Class 17

(Dec. 2)
Class 10 (Oct. 30)


Add the title of your Team Project page (e.g., Macbeth Project) to the list (in alphabetical order), then link it to a new page that you create using the Team Project Page Template.



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